Credit Recovery
Standley Lake High School students who need to make up credit to stay on track to graduate have several credit recovery options.
In-school credit recovery at Standley Lake High School is offered during the school year and meets once a week on block days in the studio at the back of the library. The first class is free; each subsequent class is $150. Students can make up as many classes as they can handle during their time at Standley Lake.
Summer School
Summer school classes at SLHS will be free on a space-available basis. Check back for more information.
Standley Lake High School will not be hosting summer school this summer.
Your options are listed with details below:
- In-district - Arvada West High School and Jeffco Virtual Academy
- Out of district (limited to 2 total credits) - Keystone Credit Recovery and BYU Independent Study
All Jeffco Summer School (credit recovery) options follow the same calendar. Summer school will be: June 3 - June 28
JeffCo Summer School
- There is no cost $0 for Jeffco Summer School (credit recovery)
- Enrollment for both options is through Enroll Jeffco
Arvada West HS Summer School
- In-Person Registration required - ONE DAY ONLY
- at AWest. Tuesday, May 28 between 8am - 11am.
- This is in addition to the Enroll Jeffco Enrollment
- Credit Recovery for all core subjects available
- Information on Aravada West Credit Recovery
Jeffco Virtual Academy Summer School
- Must be enrolled through Enroll Jeffco by May 29.
- Credit Recovery for core subjects available
- Assessments will be proctored through Securly. Teachers will have office hours to connect with
- students for help as needed.
Out-of-District Credit Recovery
Students can take only 2.0 credits of recovery outside of Jeffco. See your counselor with questions.
BYU Independent Study
For students who need to retake courses, BYU Online High School’s mastery-based summer school can help.
- Take a pretest to prove topic mastery.
- Finish at your own pace within 60 days of registration.
- English, math, science and history credit recovery courses are available for $95.
Keystone School
Keystone School materials are available in online and print formats, giving students the flexibility they need to learn and grow at their own pace, in their own space.
Students should make sure to include high school and counselor when registering so Keystone can send their final grade.
Credit Recovery in Jeffco
Jeffco understands that many of our students have faced extraordinary challenges and cares deeply about helping students understand their path to graduation. The goal is to help students get back on track and make sure families are aware of the available resources.
Contact your school to learn more about specific credit recovery options for your student. The counselor at your student’s school knows your student and the school-based supports best. Their phone number and email are listed on your school’s website.
If you have contacted your school and would now like to consult with a student engagement advocate, contact the Student Engagement Office.